9th AA challenge quiz
8th AA challenge quiz
7th AA challenge quiz
Summary of the “AA Challenge” project :
AA amyloidosis is a rare complication of chronic inflammatory states. It is characterized by the diversity of underlying causes making the etiological diagnosis difficult.
"AA challenge" is an educational project around AA amyloidosis and its causes for French-speaking doctors (medical interns and graduate physicians). It received the support of the French association against amyloidosis (AFCA).
The main objective is to teach the diversity of causes of AA amyloidosis in a playful way in order to reduce diagnostic erraticism and optimize therapeutic management.

What are the terms of participation in the “AA Challenge”?
A monthly clinical case will be offered under the name of "AA-challenge" to the French-speaking medical community via the website of our reference center, the twitter account of the French association against amyloidosis, the international alliance against amyloidosis.
It will be presented in the form of a short text illustrated with one or more images followed by a quiz with interactive online voting.
The “AA Challenge” Prize:
The colleague who has had the most correct answers to the quizzes will be awarded a “Gilles Grateau” AA amyloidosis prize.
Twice a year a hybrid session (face-to-face and videoconference) will be scheduled and the name of the winner of the AA Amyloidosis Gilles Grateau Award will be announced.
This price will include:
- registration for a congress of the French National Society of Internal Medicine (SNFMI).
-the association of the winner with the authors of an educational article on the 12 prototypical cases of causes of AA amyloidosis that will be submitted to the vote in the next 12 months.